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راهنمای نگارش مقاله دانشگاهی و تحقیقاتی درباره بررسی تناسب در آیات ... - منابع مورد نیاز برای پایان نامه : دانلود پژوهش های پیشین

تاریخ: 15-04-01
نویسنده: نویسنده محمدی

Since the Holy Quran is “a guide for the god-fearing” and has been revealed by the All-wise Allah through His best servants for guiding mankind, all the revelations and verses are interconnected with one another to achieve this ultimate purpose. The communications are related to one another and follow a certain goal and end. As one of the miraculous aspects of the Holy Quran is the proportionality governing the revelations. Of course, it is essential in this argument to believe the conditional state of the verses. Otherwise, it will be a vain discussion. A number of Muslim scholars contend that the order of verses in the Holy Quran and the order of the revelations in the verses are conditional and because doing aimless jobs are far from Allah’s entity, then there is a coordination and proportionality among the verses and revelations. On the other hand, some believe that the combination of verses is due to the comments and decisions made by the Holy prophet’s followers and they regard discussing these issues in vain. But concerning the order of the verses in the revelations, there are other comments which have been dealt with widely and the principle of their interpretation has been based on this issue. Allameh Tabatabaei, (AS) and Seyed Ghoutb are among the interpreters who has written their interpretations based on this issue. It’s worth mentioning that Allameh in “Almizan exegesis” considers the order and arrangement of the verses based on Ijtihad and only a few have objected this matter. Concerning the order of the verses, he believes that the proportionality is applicable among the verses which have been revealed in a single revelation. Seyed Ghoutb in the interpretation of Fi Zilal Al-Koran (in the Light of Koran).
Although regarding the order of the verses in terms of revelation is not absolute and definite, he considers the order of the verses upon revelation and commanded by the Holy Prophet. He refers to both kinds of proportion and this issue has demonstrated with a single purpose, unity of verses subjects, and style. This study intends to examine the proportion between the verses and revelations in these two great exegesis, invaluable and applied bilaterally and also books and detailed books and literature written in this regard. So that in the light of this while emphasizing on the revelation order of the verses and communication remove the dust of doubt and libel concerning scattered arrangement of Koran which have been put forward by some Muslim and non-Muslim Koran searchers and put more force on the verbal and content miracle of the Quran. God willing!
Key words: Proportionality of the verses and communications, Ijtihad, absolute, unity of subjects, style, Almizan Interpretation, exegesis, Fi Zilal Al-Koran Interpretation.
Ulum-eHadith faculty
A Thesis)
Ulum Quran and Hadith Presented for
The sludyof coherence at surses and chaoper of quran in almizan and fizellal exegesis of quran

    1. Mohammad ali Mahdavi rad


    1. Ali Rad

Hojjat allah Hokmabady
Month and year
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(( اینجا فقط تکه ای از متن درج شده است. برای خرید متن کامل فایل پایان نامه با فرمت ورد می توانید به سایت feko.ir مراجعه نمایید و کلمه کلیدی مورد نظرتان را جستجو نمایید. ))

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. علامه در این زمینه می فرماید: اگر چه در فراز و نشیب های زندگی افتاده بودم ولی پیوسته حس می کردم دست ناپیدایی مرا از هر پرتگاه خطرناک نجات می دهد و جاذبه مرموزی از میان هزارها مانع بیرون کشیده و به مقصد هدایت می کند. ↑
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.هاشم زاده، محمد علی،.کتاب شناسی المیزان وعلامه, مجله بینات، قم، موسسۀ معارف اسلامی امام رضا ×، ش ۳۴، ۱۳۸۱ ش، ص ۱۹۰٫ ↑
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